
Not Too Old Yet

Jérôme has invited me to see Eels at the Théâtre National tonight. Glad he did!

Good show guys. The lead singer has the strangest look... let's say that I would probably be very uncomfortable sitting next to him on an airplane... I think he got arrested in London recently because they thought he was a terrorist!

They play good rock: garage, -abilly and sixties. A few strange songs like I Need Fresh Blood. And in between all this, ballads that can melt your heart, accompanied by steel guitar (for which I have a week spot, I admit). I was expecting bubles when they started to play She's a Spectacular Girl, which plays on their site :


The crowd was as varigated as the music. All the young Montreal granolas were there (mostly guys - oh, I didn't realize that's probalby because we were in the Village! I'am a bit slow sometimes), and a number of grey hair, mostly couples.

Ahhhh but a warm bath awaits my aching toes. Well... music keeps one young, but bars without stools....