
Go Green or Glam Green

I hate waisting anything!

I recycle whatever I can (you should see my workshop...) But I don't really consider myself an environmentalist. As a matter of fact, I am more scrooge than green. I recycle and reuse mostly because it saves me money. Don't get me wrong. I am consciencious of the environment and I haven't let the water run while I brush my teeth since 1990. It's in part by solidarity with all the people who have to walk kilometers to fetch their daily needs for water. But it is also to prepare myself for the day when they will install water meters in our homes!

I often question myself on the relevance of Go green: we must do absolutely everything to protect the environment. But I feel that the Go green often turns into Glam green: recycling and reusing that's more for the show.

Let's take the exemple of the University where I do contract work. New efficiency flush toilets and water regulator sensor sinks have been installed in the seven-floor building. My first clue was with the sinks. For two weeks, I thought I was confused when trying to turn on the faucets. My second clue was the flushing system that changed location on the toilet. (We are creatures of habits after all.) But the last clue was the fresh seal around the toilets and sinks.

So, as I was saying, they've installed efficiency flushes which means that everytime you flush, only a small amount of water is used to push down... well you get the picture. This is a very nice gesture for the environment and I am sure we will soon see a glam green press release about it. But what bugs me about this, is that the old toilets were still in good working condition. Well, maybe a few of them were leaking, and a few of them may have needed to be changed. But all the toilets at the same time? And where did the old toilets go?

When we weight the pros and cons, don't we find ourselves in a Glam green situation? I would really like to know how much money has been spent and which landfill has been filled and how many liters of water will be saved?

My enviromentalist question: Is this where the soon to be raised tuition fees will be flushed?

Oh, I know what you are thinking... These old toilets and sinks can be reused. I can even envision that this summer will see our houses decorated with toilet bowls containing begonias and geraniums. And wouldn't an alley of white enamel flower containers look good in front of the house?

I wonder if my neighbours will appreciate my recycling creativity.